HD for all 450
Firmware by vb6rocod

HD for all 450

HD for all 450 este un player multimedia comercializat de firma E-Boda. Face parte din generatiile noi de playere realtek, fiind dotat cu un cip Realtek 1185 si 256MB memorie RAM.
Fata de firmware-ul original eu am mai adus unele imbunatatiri si am adaugat servicii suplimentare.
* sincronizare ora (GMT time)
* 3 fonturi pentru interfata si subtitrari.
* Transmission torrent - actualizat la ultima versiune (2.50)
* server FTP cu acces la tot firmware-ul.
* media stream renderer
* xspf browser
* o interfata web cu mult mai multe optiuni
* HDD Links (versiune normala si mini) - filme, seriale, videoclipuri, tv live, emisiuni tv, radio, adult, etc.

Modificare font sistem
Din meniul de la Aplicatii (Internet media) ----->>> System tools (din dreapta jos) alegeti una din cele trei optiuni, Arial, Arial Narrow sau Arial Narrow Bold (implicit). Dupa accesare este necesar sa reporniti playerul.
Interfata WEB
Din PC, browser accesati adresa http://eboda (daca NAS (Samba adica) e pornit) sau http://<mp-ip>, unde mp-ip este adresa IP a playerului.
Media stream renderer
Puteti trimite un link media din PC pentru a fi redat in player. Din interfata web trimiteti link-ul. Pentru vizionare in player, din Internet media ---->>>> Media Stream renderer. Acest serviciu face parte din proiectul media-translate.
Xspf browser
Este un serviciu util pentru redarea fisierelor de tip playlist (audio sau video), de exemplu m3u sau xspf. Poate fi accesat din Internet media ----->>> Xspf Browser.Acest serviciu face parte din proiectul media-translate.
Transmission torrent
Meniul pentru pornirea/oprirea acestui serviciu se gaseste in interfata web. In interfata web aveti urmatoarele optiuni:
- status
- activare/dezactivare auto-start (pornire serviciu automat)
- start/stop - pornire/oprire manuala.
Web: http://eboda:9091
Username : torrentuser
Password : webtorrent
Pentru gestionare va recomand sa folositi transgui
Pentru o functionare corecta fara probleme (in special la fisiere de peste 4GB) va recomand sa folositi o partitie linux ext3 pentru descarcare, combinatia linux (transmission) + microsoft (NTFS) nu prea merge.

Serviciile HDD links
Sunt doua categorii: HDD Links (link-uri romanesti) si HDD Links mini, varianta cu link-uri straine. Instalati varianta normala HDD Links. Aceste servicii se instaleaza pe USB sau intern. Daca alegeti varianta intern (in memoria interna a playerului adica), la instalare (nu si la update !!!!) este necesar sa inlaturati toate dispozitivele de stocare de pe USB, in caz contrar instalarea se va face pe USB.
Instalare:Din meniul de la Internet media ----->>> System tools (din dreapta jos), Instalare HDD Links. Asteptati pana apare in partea de jos un info cu data versiunii instalate.
Cu aceste servicii aveti acces la o multitudine de link-uri internet, filme sau seriale online, desene animate pentru copii, posturi de radio sau tv , emisiuni locale, sport, divertisment, sau canale pentru adulti (cu parola 1325). Deoarece aceste link-uri se mai modifica in timp, periodic mai apare cate un update, asa ca fiti pe faza....In momentul in care un update este disponibil veti vedea in meniul principal de la HDD Links, in partea de sus, un mesaj "o noua versiune este disponibila....". Pentru actualizare, din meniul de la Internet media ----->>> System tools (din dreapta jos), Update HDD Links.

Tips & Tricks HDD Links
* Folositi tastele 0-9 sau PREV/NEXT pentru o navigare mai usoara.
* Download Manager: Puteti descarca filme, serialele sau clipuri pe USB, asta daca pe pagina apare sus "Apasati 2 pentru download".
Pentru a beneficia de aceasta posibilitate trebuie sa creati un director numit "download" pe USB. Puteti observa procesul de descarcare in download manager. Informatia este actualizata automat la un interval de circa 10 secunde.Sunt trei culori in functie de stadiul descarcarii. Pentru a opri/reporni descarcarea trebuie sa va pozitionati pe itemul respectiv si sa apasati tasta 2. Cu tasta 3 opriti si stergeti toate descarcarile din lista iar cu tasta 1 stergeti din lista un fisier deja descarcat. Atentie, lista nu se sterge singura...., daca depaseste 100 de inregistrari nu mai accepta altele, deci trebuie sa faceti curatenie din cand in cand. Facilitatea de download poate fi folosita si din browser, aveti linkul in interfata web (http;//eboda)
http://<media player ip>/cgi-bin/scripts/util/browser.php
Mai mult, puteti trimite si un link pentru a fi descarcat in player. Puteti sa-i adaugati si un nume sub care sa fie salvat. Adaugati ",nume_de_salvat.avi". De exemplu trimiteti link-ul http://server_filme/movie,salvat_cu_nume.avi.
* La filme/seriale si la sectiunea adult aveti posibilitatea sa faceti seek (adica salt la un moment de timp). La filme/seriale accesati link-ul unde scrie "With seek SDK4" sau "Play cu subtitrare". Dupa ce filmul porneste, apasati tastele stanga/dreapta, o sa apara o bara cu pozitia in timp la care va aflati. Apasati repetat dreapta (avans) sau stanga (inapoi) pana ajungeti la momentul dorit. Apasati apoi Enter pentru a face saltul. Atentie insa, nu toate serverele ofera aceasta posibilitate.
* Daca in bara de sus apare "Apasati 2 pentru download", puteti descarca link-ul prin metoda implementata de mine (descarcare in directorul download). La filme si seriale online, dupa apasarea tastei 2, daca ramaneti cu selectia pe link-ul de descarcat, in bara de jos apare cat a fost descarcat (in procente si in KB). Cand downloadul a fost terminat, o sa apara mesajul "Ready". Puteti vedea starea descarcarii si in download manager, dar daca aveti mai multe descarcari sau viteza de descarcare e mare, sistemul e foarte incarcat iar accesul la pagina cu download manager e dificil.
* La serialepe.net si vplay.ro aveti nevoie de inregistrare (poate fi si free). Introduceti user si pass accesand link-ul "logon". Dupa introducerea in cele doua campuri, apasati "Return" de doua ori.
* La serialepenet.ro, va trebuie abonament. Dupa ce ati primit parola de activare, prima data cand intrati in pagina de link-uri, selectati "Setare parola" si introduceti codul primit. Acesta e memorat (in firmware) si nu mai trebuie introdus decat la o reactivare cont sau daca ati introdus gresit. Nu toate episoadele au subtitrare, iar unele au subtitrarea in engleza. Puteti vedea acest lucru in pagina de link-uri, in bara de jos.
* La vplay, serialepe.net si serialepenet.ro la "download" se descarca si subtitrarea.
* Pentru subtitrari externe, setarea aspectului se face din primul link de la sectiunea Seriale.
* Nu uitati, din cand in cand stergeti lista fisierelor descarcate din download manager.
* Daca dupa actualizare HDD Links primiti o eroare, stregeti manual directorul "scripts" si instalati din nou HDD Links. Daca folositi un stick si aveti aceasta problema, reformatati stick-ul ext3 (linux) sau NTFS.
* La setari subtitrari online, La "Fix Refresh 1185" setati "NU".
* Pentru iplay nu modificati valoare buffer (60000).

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Image0828 2036( CVBS)trailer movie

HDD Links mini

HDD Links

Instructiuni de upgradare
Copiati fisierul install.img pe un stick USB formatat FAT32. Cu playerul scos din priza, introduceti stick-ul in portul USB, apasati si tineti apasat butonul de pornire de pe player, conectati playerul la priza. Asteptati pana cand pe ecranul TV-ului apare mesajul de upgradare apoi luati mana de pe butonul de pornire. Asteptati pana playerul se restarteaza si apare meniul pentru setari limba si retea.

Informatii versiuni
18.05.2012 - HD 450_v1 . Prima versiune. Fata de versiunea oficiala principalele modificari sunt descrise mai sus.

(17.05.2012) - haneWIN_NFS_Server.rar - un server NFS pentru windows, o alternativa la windows share.
1.Din tab-ul Exports, se seteaza directoarele pe care vreti sa le vedeti in player:
# exports example
H:\ -public -readonly
I:\ -public -readonly
2.Din tab-ul Server, se bifeaza "Reset inod-table.."
Vedeti si pozele din arhiva.
(18.05.2012) - HD 450 v1

Din motive inca necunoscute nu mai am acces la proiectul de pe google. Pana la remedierea situatiei pentru a beneficia de actualizari trebuie sa realizati actualizarea altfel...
Metoda 1: Porniti playerul si vedeti ce adresa IP are (din meniul player-ului la setari retea).
De pe calculator accesati linkul:
in loc de <MP-IP> puneti adresa IP a playerului.
Medoda 2. Din meniul HDDLinks, la Metafeeds, VB6 Test, accesati "Actualizare script player tip E-BODA".La terminare o sa apara un mesaj "404 NOT FOUND", dar actualizarea este realizata.
NOTA: Dupa acest update puteti sa reveniti la metoda anterioara (cu tasta 3).
Descarcati update.rar, dezarhivati si copiati update.sh pe un stick USB.
Porniti playerul (cu stick-ul in el), aflati adresa IP (La "Diverse", "Info retea").
De pe PC porniti putty selectati "telnet" si introduceti adresa IP a playerului.
La login introduceti "root".
introduceti apoi urmatoarele comenzi:
cd /tmp/ramfs/volumes/C:
chmod +x update.sh

Dupa terminare iesiti din putty cu exit.


Nota 1: Daca primiti eroare la "cd" incercati cu litera "D" in loc de "C".
Nota 2. In caz ca se modifica adresa de descarcare pentru "scripts.zip", modificati in update.sh linia wget -q "http:..../scripts.zip" cu noua adresa.


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Telgrm: @xrumers
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Friday, 3 September,2021 04.28

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Saturday, 28 August,2021 07.03

AntonVlasow spune:

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Saturday, 31 July,2021 22.01

SashaVlasov spune:

Можем предложить действенный метод для "убийства" онлайн-сайта вашего конкурента.
Используем лучшие технологии, только проверенные сотнями выполненных проектов:
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Телегрм: @xrumers
Skype: xrumer.pro
WhatsApp: +7(977)536-08-36
email: support@xrumer.cc

Только эти!
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Wednesday, 30 June,2021 22.47

AntonVlasow spune:

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Стоимость 6000py.
Полная отчётность.
Оплата: Киви, Яндекс.Деньги, Bitcoin, Visa, MasterCard...

Telgrm: @xrumers
Skype: xrumer.pro
WhatsApp: +7(977)536-08-36
электронка: support@xrumer.cc

Только эти!
А тАкож Работаем со Студиями!
Sunday, 20 June,2021 16.00

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Sunday, 6 June,2021 17.14

SashaVlasov spune:
Можем предложить лучшие услуги на сегодняшнем рынке:
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- У нас серьезные возможности и практический опыт в данном направлении.

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Saturday, 5 June,2021 03.24

AlexeyVladimirovich spune:

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Телега: @exrumer
Skype: xrumer.pro
WhatsApp: +7(977)536-08-36
маил: support@xrumer.cc

Работаем со Студиями!
Wednesday, 26 May,2021 10.38

Rogervow spune:

Thursday, 20 May,2021 17.49

PavelVladimirovich spune:

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Используем очень эффективные технологии, испытанные тысячами проектов:
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Цена $80
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Телега: @exrumer
Skype: xrumer.pro
WhatsApp: +7(977)536-08-36
маил: support@xrumer.cc

Работаем со Студиями!
Sunday, 16 May,2021 20.13

VlasonaMilanko spune:

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Используем лучшие технологии:
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- Применяем секретные приемы. Это известно лишь нашим специалистам. Десятилетний опыт работы.
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Цена $80
Полная отчётность.
Оплата: Qiwi, Яндекс.Деньги, Bitcoin, Visa, MasterCard...

Телега: @exrumer
Skype: xrumer.pro
WhatsApp: +7(977)536-08-36
электронка: support@xrumer.cc

Также Работаем со Студиями!
Friday, 30 April,2021 06.14

Patrickguasy spune:

Friday, 23 April,2021 03.50

WlasoFaAlenka spune:
Можем предложить профессиональные услуги:
"Устранение онлайн-сайтов конкурента или мошенника!"
Каким образом это можно сделать?!
- Опыт нашей компании - 10 лет.
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Стоимость 6000 рублей
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Telgrm: @exrumer
Skype: xrumer.pro
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email: support@xrumer.cc
Wednesday, 21 April,2021 10.53

Patrickguasy spune:

Monday, 12 April,2021 20.29

AlenkaWlasoFa spune:
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Каким образом мы это реализовываем?!
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Стоимость 80$
Полная отчётность.
Оплата: Киви, Yandex.Money, Bitcoin, Visa, MasterCard...
Телегрм: @exrumer
Також Работаем со Студиями!
email: support@xrumer.cc
Sunday, 11 April,2021 08.20

AlenkaWlasova spune:

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Стоимость услуги $80
Полная отчётность.
Оплата: Киви, Яндекс.Деньги, Bitcoin, Visa, MasterCard...
Телегрм: @exrumer
Також Работаем со Студиями!
маил: support@xrumer.cc
Thursday, 8 April,2021 23.49

hydra-voigo spune:
Wednesday, 7 April,2021 13.29

Allenadvog spune:
Спасибо за пост
Sunday, 14 March,2021 08.43

CharlesKit spune:
Families, I used to be exploring for your very long and wearisome tactic find out how to generate a really good editorial, but I stumbled on this short article, I'll depart it these, it may be that it'll be invaluable to you!

My spouse and that i guess quite a few individuals turned out being dentists only to chorus from needing to develop essays. Essays and exploring papers can invoke significant portions of pressure and anxiousness. So can dentists. But it will not subject what classes you're using in highschool or college, you might be probably to acquire to jot down an essay in a few unspecified time during the potential. It does not matter no matter whether you want or despise them, following these nine essential methods can raise your essays, reduce your pressure, and perhaps preserve you from a high priced dentist diploma.

one particular. Evaluate THE ESSAY Swift
Undoubtedly essentially the most truly essential period in writing an essay or essential investigate paper should be to generally entirely have an understanding of the essay worry. An essay may well be splendidly articulated and considered out, but will having said that stop in a lousy high-quality if it will not adequately reply to the prompt furnished. Crack the prompt down into two parts.

What in the world is the quick instantaneously inquiring?
What on this planet is the essay issue?
What examination do I would like to test and do to thoroughly remember of the topic?
Just how much time does the essay really should be?
What exactly is the prompt indirectly inquiring?
Stands out since the prompt requesting my perspective, the viewpoint of credible scholarly means, or factors?
How can i relate this essay issue to what now we have now lined at school?
The moment these inquiries were being answered, you probably can start establishing your essay.

two. Produce a THESIS Assertion
Start off the method of your essay accompanied by a thesis assertion that might guide your in general paper. Dependant on the prompt, what does 1 wish to argue within just your essay? Your thesis assertion must be concise, but include things like many of the aspects you’d select to deal with inside your paper. Continually talk to with your thesis assertion when writing your essay and make sure to never ever at any time stray in the facts. A first-rate thesis assertion can undoubtedly be the leading big difference involving an A additionally a B.

a few. MAKE A major amount see
Use a leading amount look at to put together out your essay/research paper forward of writing it. Executing from the thesis assertion, plot out the way in which you want your paper to transfer and what significant data you want to comprise. This will make writing the entire draft of the respective paper a lot less tricky

4. Begin with The human physique, NOT THE INTRODUCTION
Genuinely usually do not get rolling although utilizing the introduction. The introduction is whereby some learners fight certainly by far the most, so to remain absent from getting slowed down, put in place the introduction afterward. It's going to allow you to definitely absolutely unquestionably variety your inner thoughts and ideas and therefore are offered once again and merge the main ideas into your introduction.

5. Start out Nearly each and every PARAGRAPH Accompanied by a Subject SENTENCE
Begin each individual one paragraph in addition to a topic make a difference sentence, which expresses the top idea of the paragraph. Each and every one paragraph ought to likely have costs or contextual product to guard your issue issue sentence and thesis assertion.

Quotations and contextual info are necessary for building believability and supporting your argument, so make certain that the features and facts are coming from credible scholarly assets. Illustrations of scholarly sources comprise tutorial journals, peer-reviewed post material, textbooks, publications by accredited authors, and NPR posting articles. Illustrations of unacceptable scholarly means are journal posts, open up up dialogue board submissions, encyclopedia entries, and unverified web-based assets. If you will be purchasing for credible assets to operate with in just just your essay, take a look at out Google Scholar.

7. Truly will not Bogus IT
Lecturers aren't dumb. They know inside the function you truly do not entirely bear in mind of the essay subject matter subject and when that you are rambling as a way to help make it prolonged. Don't use fluff to bulk up your essay. Instead, make sure that that every sentence supplies substance in your perform. If it isn't genuinely important, lower it out. Most lecturers would favor to utilize a well-written essay that won't pretty fulfill the period prerequisite in comparison to the normal paper that fulfills the requirement, but is eighty p.c fluff.

Your summary should always begin by restating your thesis assertion. It really is your possibility to tie your complete information with each and every other and head out accompanied by a bang. A good summary will manage essentially the most vital arguments of each and every and each condition paragraph inside a succinct way and wholly show your thesis assertion.

Analyzing is important to composing an amazing essay. Some instructors is not going to even full searching essays if these are not grammatically audio or riddled with spelling complications. Appropriate right here is often a a number of methods for building your essay/research paper alot a lot more academically satisfactory and enhanced all spherical.

Entire bit of writing readily available on hyperlink

Receive out all conjunctions (will not be, seriously you should not, couldn't, and so on.). This might make your paper to get a for a longer period period of time and it truly is elevated appropriate for academic writing.
Print out your paper, study it, and mark it up. You may see quite a bit far more glitches when searching it utilizing this process than using a notebook computer exhibit display.
Have associates or dads and mothers examine it. A 2nd founded of eyes can seize any concerns you skipped.
Appear at it out loud. This will likely help with grammar faults. If it seems faulty, it certainly is.
Essays and studying papers is normally a impediment for writers of all potential phases, but these writing techniques may possibly make the strategy a little bit easier also to your great amount significantly less too much to handle.

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Sunday, 7 March,2021 16.35

XRumerTest spune:
Hello. And Bye.
Wednesday, 3 March,2021 16.01

XRumerTest spune:
Hello. And Bye.
Tuesday, 2 February,2021 10.02

XRumerTest spune:
Hello. And Bye.
Friday, 29 January,2021 20.15

XRumerTest spune:
Hello. And Bye.
Tuesday, 26 January,2021 15.08

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Saturday, 23 January,2021 20.48

XRumerTest spune:
Hello. And Bye.
Wednesday, 20 January,2021 15.32

XRumerTest spune:
Hello. And Bye.
Tuesday, 12 January,2021 15.00

XRumerTest spune:
Hello. And Bye.
Monday, 4 January,2021 05.41

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Monday, 7 December,2020 03.25

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Sunday, 6 December,2020 18.38

Billyjeota spune:
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Tuesday, 6 October,2020 21.02

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Руководитель Органа по Сертификации: Шостак Максим Сергеевич г. Пермь, ул.Пушкина, дом №1/1.
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Monday, 5 October,2020 11.10

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Sunday, 13 September,2020 11.59

AlinaVlasova spune:
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Спрашиваете, как?!
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- У нашей компании очень серьезные возможности и практический опыт в данной сфере.

Стоимость $50
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Телега: @exrumer
Whatssap: +7 906 531-21-55
Skype: XRumer.pro
email: support@xrumer.cc
Wednesday, 9 September,2020 03.03

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Friday, 31 July,2020 06.12

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Tuesday, 28 July,2020 23.15

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Friday, 15 May,2020 10.46

HarryMup spune:
Do it yourself - How to install a repair kit for restoring injector nozzles
Сделай сам - Как установить ремкомплект для восстановления форсунок инжектора

Here's a short and simple video on how to install an injector repair kit or injector service kit, as they are sometimes called.

Fuel injectors are an important part of your car, but after several years of operation, the amount of fuel and spray is disrupted. Fortunately, injector recovery kits are available, inexpensive, and you can easily install them yourself.

I bought mine for $ 2.5, and it contained everything I needed for 4 fuel injectors from my X18XE 16V engine in my 1997 Opel vectra 1.8i automatic transmission (yc 90470755).
Here is what is included in the package:
4x caps
4 top rail spacers
4 lower rings (also called insulators or shock absorbers)
4 high-performance microfilters

O-rings, rail spacers, and shock absorbers are easily replaced manually. Needle covers need to be warmed up a little, and microfilters should be replaced by inserting a screw in a vice. All in all, a 15 minute job that will make your fuel injectors new.

Conventional injectors, unlike modern versions of gasoline and diesel engines with direct injection, very rarely fail. So do not replace them if you are not 100% sure that they need to be replaced. A repair kit and / or professional cleaning will bring them into working condition, like new ones, in the shortest possible time.

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Friday, 15 May,2020 04.27

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Wednesday, 22 April,2020 17.24

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Saturday, 14 December,2019 09.58

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Saturday, 16 November,2019 11.56

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Wednesday, 6 November,2019 00.06

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Monday, 4 November,2019 06.33

Michaelfogma spune:
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Кандидат наук кафедры «Техносферная безопасность» МИИТа Сорокина Екатерина Александровна грубо, нагло и по-хамски разговаривает со своими коллегами по работе, которые ей не то, что в мамы, в бабушки годятся в присутствии студентов. Такое поведение Сорокина Е.А. может себе позволить, зная, что шеф - «папик» (Аксенов Владимир Алексеевич) прикроет.
Monday, 4 November,2019 05.22

Marthamilia spune:
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Доцент кафедры «Техносферная безопасность» МИИТа Сорокина Екатерина Александровна и Климова Диана Викторовна добились комфортной жизни и повышения зарплаты путем ублажения заведующего кафедрой Аксенова Владимира Аексеевича. При этом Аксенова Е.А. и Климова Д.В. требовали сократить семь ведущих преподавателей со стажем.
Sunday, 3 November,2019 19.35

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Thursday, 10 October,2019 20.58

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Sunday, 22 September,2019 21.17

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Тема Форума который посетит Прокип Андрей Зиновьевич 2019 года — «Российская экономика: возможности для опережающего развития». Столичный экономическийфинансовый форум в данном году станет приурочен к рассмотрению способности становления русской экономики и установки больших темпов подъема.
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Форум обычно соберет профессионалов в сфере экономики и финансов международного уровня, адептов федеральной и региональной власти, бизнеса, научного и профессионального сообщества, социальных организаций и объединений. Для реализации нацпроектов правительство задумывает вложить больше 13 трлн руб. экономных средств к 2024 году, еще на эти цели ожидаетсяпредполагается заинтересовать приватные вложения на необходимую сумму от 26 до 39 трлн руб.. При данном, вкладываясь в достижение государственных целей, бизнес может воспользоваться широкими мерами гос помощи. Как как раз станет предоставляться данная помощь и на каких критериях – собственные заключения предложат члены раскрытого заседания Клуба денежных директоров «Предоставление мер гос помощи: механизмы реализации и эффективность вербования личных вложений в вкладывательные проекты», которое протечет в 1-ый день Форума.
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Thursday, 30 November,2017 21.55

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Monday, 27 November,2017 17.39

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Friday, 17 November,2017 19.44

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Friday, 17 November,2017 10.00

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Wednesday, 8 November,2017 02.40

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Friday, 3 November,2017 13.51

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Wednesday, 27 September,2017 12.54

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Thursday, 21 September,2017 09.15

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Wednesday, 6 September,2017 11.14

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Monday, 14 August,2017 15.20

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Monday, 14 August,2017 04.34

DanielDug spune:
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Saturday, 12 August,2017 01.26

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Tuesday, 8 August,2017 09.20

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Saturday, 5 August,2017 07.44

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Thursday, 3 August,2017 23.02

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Friday, 28 July,2017 13.17

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Wednesday, 26 July,2017 14.50

APenvunda spune:
bonjour, je voudrais savoir a manière dont chuter enceinte plus expressément car ça va faire 8mois que l’on essaye de posséder un enfant. Merci de me répondre énormément expressément, une grand merci.
Tuesday, 11 July,2017 23.29

Barbaranix spune:
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Saturday, 8 July,2017 18.24

IssacTow spune:
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Saturday, 8 July,2017 16.58

BrokersCip spune:
fx-brokers-review.com/index_hr.html Usporedite najbolje Forex tvrtke s analizom prema tablici za usporedbu
Wednesday, 5 July,2017 04.13

FerminGar spune:
Cкaйп evg7773 Ламинин в Чернигове Чернигов от 28 usd +38097-613-1437
Tuesday, 4 July,2017 15.22

Carrollbic spune:
Hello guys turn my ass and get my cum in my mouth

Write to my profile my name Betty 1987

Copy the link and paste it into the browser:

Monday, 3 July,2017 06.33

Caroloxigh spune:
Hello You fuck me in the ass rather my nickname (Albina85)

Copy the link and go to me.... bit.ly/2s4zWdO

Monday, 26 June,2017 15.20

Yaroslavdiore spune:
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volvo . (Volvo) 110 , 250 ,
18 000 . : R-D
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Thursday, 8 June,2017 18.13

FerminGar spune:
ТОП 5 2017
Wednesday, 7 June,2017 22.26

Konstantaivy spune:
Volvo , 12490* !
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Wednesday, 31 May,2017 22.06

WilliamBoavy spune:
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Monday, 29 May,2017 11.01

WilliamSwApy spune:
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Saturday, 27 May,2017 21.36

LexaEstal spune:
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Volvo : SL/CF. ,
Drivee 0W20 VCC RBS0-2AE. 2
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astrol Edge Professional , ..
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Volvo Cars. Castrol
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: ,
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(HTHS) 2,9 3,5 . .
. API (API Engine Service Classification System),
volvo : SL/CF. ,
Drivee 0W20 VCC RBS0-2AE.
: Castrol. ,
astrol Edge Professional , ..
. , .
, .
20 000 . ,
. ,
. . ,
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. , ,
. .
, .

Friday, 26 May,2017 03.33

RogerEstal spune:
(Volvo) 40 % (Volvo) :
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+ + . . . , ,
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( 200 ). (Volvo)
.+= .
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(Volvo) , ,
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, . .
volvo , . ,
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(Volvo) . ,
. , . ,
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, , ,
volvo . (Volvo) 110 , 250 ,
18 000 . : R-D
, (Volvo). , 40 80
( ) ,
. 2 .

Monday, 22 May,2017 22.34

Josephdox spune:
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Monday, 22 May,2017 03.43

AlexarEstal spune:
Volvo , 12490* !
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50% . .
4- (, , , )
Volvo .
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Mann/Fram, Mahle/Kneht. ,
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S40, S60, S80, XC60, XC70, XC90 , 2500 3, 12490 . Volvo
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VOLVO 52 !
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Sunday, 21 May,2017 15.16

JamesScarl spune:
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Monday, 15 May,2017 12.57

Richardblalk spune:
Звоните: +7904-391-19-44, пишите: dmurach@yandex.ru и сайт: nngid.ru …создание и продвижение сайтов в нижнем новгороде по недорогим ценам. закажите изготовление сайта бесплатно, купив раскрутку сайта на 4 месяца.
Monday, 8 May,2017 18.30

WilliamBoavy spune:
Buy Low Ламинин Laminine LPGN from $ 29 . Купить Ламинин от 29 usd
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Thursday, 4 May,2017 16.57

Arturosaf spune:
Work from home. TOP 5 projekt 2017.Wellcome!
Saturday, 29 April,2017 14.18

Essayhoirm spune:
Fed up of typing "who can write my essay" in the search bar? Would you like to have a reliable helper always by your side? Essayerudite.com will come as an excellent solution to this problem.
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Thursday, 27 April,2017 18.18

Essayrax spune:
Looking for an expert to write my paper for you? ESSAYERUDITE.COM is the right place. Providing superior writing service appears to be our main specialization and passion. Our website is the best destination for every English-speaking student who calls for assistance when handling his or her daily academic tasks.
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Thursday, 27 April,2017 18.02

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Sunday, 16 April,2017 01.53

Doragob spune:
Tuesday, 11 April,2017 16.56

robertSop spune:

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Thursday, 6 April,2017 01.19

IgnacioSuips spune:
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rwhetiuawhhewahtbehtbwehjbfsdhlfuh hfwebfa
Friday, 24 February,2017 04.12

DennisAxown spune:
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Monday, 20 February,2017 05.10

Forumfree spune:
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Saturday, 18 February,2017 08.52

PedroTog spune:
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Tuesday, 31 January,2017 10.06

Thomasgunty spune:
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Friday, 27 January,2017 10.56

TyroneDwego spune:
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Friday, 13 January,2017 19.52

RachelgligN spune:
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Friday, 23 December,2016 16.24

Lyndathofe spune:
Interesting design.
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Wednesday, 21 December,2016 23.32

Melindaduarm spune:
XRumer16.0 is coming soon
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Monday, 19 December,2016 04.59

AnnaMJ spune:
Hello! My name is AnnaMarkova, our company need to advertise on your website. What is your prices? Thank you. Best regards, Mary.
Sunday, 18 December,2016 02.03

MaryMJ spune:
Hello! My name is MaryMarkova, our compane need to advertise on your website. What is your prices? Thank you. Best regards, Mary.
Thursday, 15 December,2016 18.17

Mistyacila spune:
XRumer 12.0.19
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Monday, 7 November,2016 03.05

MelanieOpilt spune:
XRumer 12.0.19 is the BEST
Sunday, 23 October,2016 13.58

numele tau spune:
Wednesday, 8 July,2015 08.36

-1' spune:
Wednesday, 8 July,2015 08.35

numele tau spune:
Wednesday, 8 July,2015 08.35

numele tau spune:
Sunday, 28 June,2015 14.33

numele tau spune:
Friday, 8 May,2015 15.53

numele tau spune:
Friday, 24 April,2015 19.15

-1' spune:
Friday, 24 April,2015 19.15

numele tau spune:
Friday, 24 April,2015 17.09

-1' spune:
Friday, 24 April,2015 17.09

numele tau spune:
Friday, 24 April,2015 17.09

-1' spune:
Thursday, 23 April,2015 00.26

numele tau spune:
Thursday, 23 April,2015 00.26

numele tau spune:
Sunday, 19 April,2015 05.22

-1' spune:
Sunday, 19 April,2015 05.22

numele tau spune:
Sunday, 19 April,2015 05.22

numele tau spune:
Saturday, 18 April,2015 06.09

-1' spune:
Saturday, 18 April,2015 06.09

numele tau spune:
Friday, 17 April,2015 08.53

numele tau spune:
Sunday, 5 April,2015 10.30

numele tau spune:
Friday, 27 March,2015 01.10

numele tau spune:
Sunday, 15 March,2015 00.26

-1' spune:
Sunday, 15 March,2015 00.26

numele tau spune:
Sunday, 15 March,2015 00.26

numele tau spune:
Monday, 2 March,2015 19.55

numele tau spune:
Tuesday, 24 February,2015 17.39

numele tau spune:
Saturday, 21 February,2015 19.15

numele tau spune:
Tuesday, 17 February,2015 05.55

-1' spune:
Friday, 13 February,2015 17.31

numele tau spune:
Friday, 6 February,2015 17.17

numele tau spune:
Tuesday, 3 February,2015 22.27

uuuuuuuu spune:
revin si spun ca e ok acum, nu facusem update cum trebuie. felicitarile mele si scuze de acuze ::))

Tuesday, 3 February,2015 11.56

uuuuuuuu spune:
omule dupa ultimul update 1.02 chiar ca nu mai merge nici un link :)) cred caai facut asta intentionat :)
Tuesday, 3 February,2015 11.07

marcel spune:
pt vb6rocod : fa un update cu linkuri ce fuctioneaza. uite care nu functioneaza azi 6.01 dupa ultimul update:vplus,onlinehd, seriale.filmesubtitrate, divxonline,movie-inn. asta bineinteles daca mai ai placerea de a face chestia asta....baga hdfilm.ro e cel mai tare site
Tuesday, 6 January,2015 15.40

marcel spune:
pt vb6rocod : fa un update cu linkuri ce fuctioneaza. uite care nu functioneaza azi 6.01 dupa ultimul update:vplus,onlinehd, seriale.filmesubtitrate, divxonline,movie-inn. asta bineinteles daca mai ai placerea de a face chestia asta....baga hdfilm.ro e cel mai tare site
Tuesday, 6 January,2015 15.40

numele tau spune:
Monday, 5 January,2015 13.58

matei spune:
rahat de linkuri... 3/4 nu merg.....fa un update cu siteuri cu filme care se incarca....
Monday, 5 January,2015 13.38

iulian spune:
sal...f buna treaba faci cu acest soft...insa te rog sa reintroduci linkul pt hdfilm.ro multumesc
Thursday, 18 December,2014 10.00

numele tau spune:
Friday, 12 December,2014 00.54

numele tau spune:
Thursday, 4 December,2014 10.51

numele tau spune:
Tuesday, 25 November,2014 06.26

-1' spune:
Tuesday, 25 November,2014 06.26

numele tau spune:
Tuesday, 25 November,2014 06.26

numele tau spune:
Monday, 10 November,2014 16.00

-1' spune:
Monday, 10 November,2014 16.00

numele tau spune:
Monday, 10 November,2014 16.00

numele tau spune:
Friday, 31 October,2014 07.01

numele tau spune:
Thursday, 30 October,2014 01.36

-1' spune:
Thursday, 30 October,2014 01.36

numele tau spune:
Thursday, 30 October,2014 01.36

numele tau spune:
Wednesday, 29 October,2014 02.57

-1' spune:
Wednesday, 29 October,2014 02.56

Catalin spune:
Am formatat stick-ul si NTFS, fara rezultat. Este cineva care a avut probleme cu HDD Link-ul si a reusit sa le rezolve? HELP!!!!
Friday, 24 October,2014 15.50

numele tau spune:
Wednesday, 22 October,2014 16.22

-1' spune:
Wednesday, 22 October,2014 16.22

-1' spune:
Wednesday, 22 October,2014 06.33

Catalin spune:
Ii pasa cuiva de problemele mele? Parafraznd reclama cu acest text, intreb, din nou, daca dupa upgrade cu putty apare 404 NOT FOUND cum scap de aceasta eroare? Instalarea HDD links am facut-o dupa stick si 2/3 actualizari au fost cu probleme, dar am reusit sa le rezolv. Acum imi este IMPOSIBIL!!!!!! Vre-o solutie, ceva, cineva?
Monday, 20 October,2014 15.24

numele tau spune:
Monday, 20 October,2014 13.19

-1' spune:
Monday, 20 October,2014 13.19

numele tau spune:
Monday, 20 October,2014 13.19

Alin spune:
Am reluat de la zero cu instalarea de pe stick, m-am conectat la retea si am facut upgrade cu putty. Acelasi rezultat: 404 not found. Este o problema la mine sau HDD link-ul nu mai functioneaza dupa ultimul upgrade? Rog mult un raspuns!!!!!!!! Multumiri anticipate!!!!!!
Sunday, 12 October,2014 15.25

Alin spune:
Am incercat upgrade-ul din 10.10. Mi-a dat eroare. Am incercat cu putty ca si alta data, dar de aceasta data imi da eroare 404 not found. Ce se intampla? Fac aceeasi pasi ca si in alte dati cnd obtineam rezultate. Rog raspuns!!! Multumiri anticipate!
Saturday, 11 October,2014 21.11

numele tau spune:
Wednesday, 8 October,2014 05.43

numele tau spune:
Tuesday, 7 October,2014 09.24

-1' spune:
Tuesday, 7 October,2014 09.24

numele tau spune:
Sunday, 21 September,2014 13.51

numele tau spune:
Tuesday, 2 September,2014 20.17

-1' spune:
Tuesday, 2 September,2014 20.17

numele tau spune:
Tuesday, 2 September,2014 20.17

Catalin spune:
Am rezolvat-o!!!!!! ura!!!!!
Wednesday, 27 August,2014 13.54

catalin spune:
Am rezolvat problema de mai inainte, am facut actualizarea, dar tot nu mege, scrie 404 not found
Ce mai pot face in aceasta situatie? Multumiri anticipate!

Wednesday, 27 August,2014 13.43

Catalin spune:
Buna ziua,
Dupa ultimul upgrade din 24.08 mi-a aparut eroare de upgrade si am incercat cu putty sa fac acest lucru, dar imi da urmatorul mesaj:-sh: cd/tmp/ramfs/volumes/c:: not found. Am schimbat C cu D dar nici un rezultat. Ce se poate face?

Wednesday, 27 August,2014 13.20

numele tau spune:
Sunday, 24 August,2014 18.32

-1' spune:
Sunday, 24 August,2014 18.32

numele tau spune:
Sunday, 24 August,2014 18.32

numele tau spune:
Saturday, 16 August,2014 00.52

-1' spune:
Saturday, 16 August,2014 00.52

numele tau spune:
Saturday, 16 August,2014 00.51

numele tau spune:
Friday, 15 August,2014 15.47

-1' spune:
Friday, 15 August,2014 15.47

numele tau spune:
Sunday, 10 August,2014 21.44

-1' spune:
Sunday, 10 August,2014 21.44

numele tau spune:
Friday, 8 August,2014 16.38

-1' spune:
Friday, 8 August,2014 16.38

numele tau spune:
Friday, 8 August,2014 16.38

numele tau spune:
Monday, 4 August,2014 03.22

-1' spune:
Monday, 4 August,2014 03.22

numele tau spune:
Monday, 4 August,2014 03.22

numele tau spune:
Monday, 14 July,2014 21.15

-1' spune:
Monday, 14 July,2014 21.15

numele tau spune:
Monday, 14 July,2014 21.15

-1' spune:
Sunday, 6 July,2014 02.01

numele tau spune:
Sunday, 6 July,2014 02.01

mihai spune:
HDD links nu se mai poate instala. eroare 404.
Sunday, 29 June,2014 18.34

Catalin spune:
A mers ! Am folosit comenzile din printscreen! Scuze ptr stresare, dar eram disperat ca nu -l mai puteam folosi! Mii de multumiri!!
Wednesday, 9 April,2014 14.59

vb6rocod spune:
Da, e valabila, dar despre ce program vorbesti?
Wednesday, 9 April,2014 06.49

Catalin spune:
Instalarea initiala a HDDLINKS nu s-a facut pe stick, ci in player. Inainte de a cere ajutor, am incercat sa reinstalez programul si HDD, dar tot imi aparea eroare 404. In acest caz, metoda indicata de dvs. mai este valabila? Multumesc anticipat ptr clarificari!
Tuesday, 8 April,2014 09.08

vb6rocod spune:
Vezi un pic mai sus, am pus si poze (unde scrie cu rosu "METODA ALTERNATIVA DE ACTUALIZARE SAU INSTALARE HDD LINKS."). Tu probabil ca ai avut instalat hddlinks pe USB nu in player. Dupa ce ai rezolvat problema sa ai grija sa stergi (daca ai) directorul scripts de pe ce folosesti tu pe USB, altfel la urmatorul update o sa ai (eventual) din nou probleme.
Tuesday, 8 April,2014 06.54

Catalin spune:
Revin cu o precizare: singurul script gasit are calea:etc/dvdplayer/script. Despre acesta era vorba?
Monday, 7 April,2014 16.48

Catalin spune:
Am accesat scripts, dar nu stiu dupa ce trebuie sa ma uit in cadrul lui. Va rog detaliati, ca sunt intr-o ceata totala!!!!!
Monday, 7 April,2014 16.44

vb6rocod spune:
Din interfata web utilizeaza file manager-ul si vezi ce s-a intamplat cu directorul scripts
Monday, 7 April,2014 07.26

Catalin spune:
Pe 04.04.2014 mi-a aparut ca exista upgrade la HDD. Am adat sa faca actualizarea, nu a reusit si de atunci nu mai pot accesa HDD. Ce se intampla sau mai bine zis ce trebuie sa fac sa-l am din nou?
Sunday, 6 April,2014 07.11

Sorin spune:
Mergeeeeee!!!!!! Am facut cum scrie acolo si ...voila! Merci mult de tot!
Tuesday, 25 March,2014 19.06

vb6rocod spune:
vezi ca am dat un raspuns la 600WEB, se face la fel.
Tuesday, 25 March,2014 08.34

Stanciu Sorin spune:
Salut si merci pentru tot ce faci pentru noi. Fara soft-ul tau am avea niste conserve si...cam atat.
Problema mea este ca am dat reinstalat firmware si evident...nu mai am cum sa instalez HDD Links..necum sa le actualizez.
Zi-mi te rog ca ai o solutie.

Pentru HD 500 am vazut ca ai postat cum sa facem.
Merci mult.
Saturday, 22 March,2014 12.30

vb6rocod spune:
Am pus un patch pentru actualizare, vedeti mai sus
Saturday, 15 March,2014 14.48

Alin Mocioi spune:
Salut! Nu am instalat inca update-ul, dar am o intrebare. Cu firmware-ul original de ce nu merg filmele de pe youtube? Incearca sa le incarce (prin wi-fi) dar nu reuseste. Pe aplicatiile RSS de pe el merge foarte bine. Ce pot face? Multumesc!
Monday, 20 January,2014 11.57

Numele tau spune:
vreo posibilitate sa se veda HBO?
Friday, 17 January,2014 23.45

Alin spune:
Ce adaptor wireless pot folosi pentru acest model? E-Boda nu mai comercializeaza adaptoare wireless. Ce putem cumpara in schimb? Multumesc!
Thursday, 9 January,2014 18.16

Sorin spune:
DLNA se poate instala? bineinteles, pe versiunea ta de soft!
Daca da, ce server DLNA recomanzi?
Multumesc anticipat!
Saturday, 28 December,2013 21.04

Lorenzzo spune:
Am acelasi MP HD450 si problema mea e ca nu vad ce sharez.Pe calculatoare am windows7 si cand sharez un film nu il gaseste playerul.Singura metoda care am gasit-o eu dar e enervanta, playerul imi vede librariile asta inseamna sa mut filmele in librarii dar asta inseamna mai mult loc pe hard pentru C: ceea ce nu vrea aveti vreo idee ce ar trb sa fac? am incercat si cu programul de mai sus si nu mi-a mers.Multumesc anticipat.
Sunday, 22 December,2013 17.25

EuEu spune:
Salut vb6rocod. Spune-mi te rog care player merita cumparat: 450-ul sau 475-ul? Mersi anticipat.
Saturday, 30 November,2013 15.31

Numele tau spune:
Sunday, 17 November,2013 16.32

Djice spune:
55228800 wwaaiitt[HDMI]: Set I2C Speed = 50 kHz

[HDMI]: Chk_HotPlug() TV is not connected.

[HDMI]: Read_EDID abort, HDMI cable plug off.

[HDMI]: TV is not connected.

NTSC logo

REALTEK ROM Monitor, Revision 0000.0303.0017.
Copyright (c) Realtek Semiconductor Corp. - All Rights Reserved.

For a list of available commands, type 'help'.

Compilation time /version= Apr 20 2012 14:47:33 /0000.0303.0017

MAC address = 00.11.6d.08.1c.28

Processor Company ID/options = 0x01 (MIPS Technologies, Inc.) / 0x00

Processor ID/revision = 0x93 / 0x78

Endianness = Little
Flash memory size = 256 MByte

SDRAM size = 256 MByte

First free SDRAM address = 0x800a9000

Press 'ESC' to Monitor mode

RONA__) error! Entering rescue linux...

Rescue kernel in FLASH, total size = 0xf2caa

seg.1 addr 0xa0a01fe4, size = 0xf2caa

seg.2 addr 0x0, size = 0x0

copy rescue0: from a0a01fe4 to 81000000, len = f2caa

decompressing rescue: from 81000000 to 80100000: size = f2caa

lzma finished

decompressing rescue done

go 0x80100000

Reset Ethernet Mac.

Address = 0x80100000

Realtek LINUX started...
Venus setting:
ROSs have 2621440 bytes RAM.
System CPU has 1 UART.
System CPU uses external timer interrupt.
Bootloader version: 0000.0303.0017. This version string is of new format.
The information of this board: Company ID:0x0 CPU ID: 0x33 Board ID: 0x303
Ethernet Mac address: 00.11.6D.08.1C.28
Model Config length=0
Base year of RTC is 2010.
Config serial console: console=ttyS0,115200n8r
prom_flashsize = 0x10000000
Linux version (root@45454) (gcc version 3.4.4 mipssde-6.03.00-20051020) #23 Mon Aug 29 15:36:05 EDT 2011
You didn't specify audio image address, use default instead...
audio addr: 0
CPU revision is: 00019378
Determined physical RAM map:
memory: 00100000 @ 00000000 (usable)
memory: 002ab000 @ 00100000 (reserved)
memory: 019d5000 @ 003ab000 (usable)
memory: 00280000 @ 01d80000 (reserved)
memory: 0e000000 @ 02000000 (usable)
show info: max_low_pfn:65536
show info: min_low_pfn:939
ZONE: Normal, PFN: 53248
ZONE: DVR, PFN: 4096
Built 1 zonelists
Kernel command line: console=ttyS0,115200n8r ip=
Primary instruction cache 32kB, physically tagged, 4-way, linesize 32 bytes.
Primary data cache 32kB, 4-way, linesize 32 bytes.
Synthesized TLB refill handler (20 instructions).
Synthesized TLB load handler fastpath (32 instructions).
Synthesized TLB store handler fastpath (32 instructions).
Synthesized TLB modify handler fastpath (31 instructions).
Cache parity protection disabled
PID hash table entries: 512 (order: 9, 8192 bytes)
Estimate value: CPU frequency 499.53 MHz
Using 27.000 MHz high precision timer.
Console: colour dummy device 80x25
Dentry cache hash table entries: 16384 (order: 4, 65536 bytes)
Inode-cache hash table entries: 8192 (order: 3, 32768 bytes)
Memory: 253616k/256852k available (1915k kernel code, 3188k reserved, 301k data, 444k init, 0k highmem)
Warning! Unknown board id.
Warning! Unknown board id.
==================== Warning! The calculated loops_per_jiffy is not similar to the default one. ====================
Mount-cache hash table entries: 512
Checking for 'wait' instruction... available.
Linux NoNET1.0 for Linux 2.6
SCSI subsystem initialized
usbcore: registered new driver hub
GPIO: register IRQ 3... (Success)

***************** se init module *********************

se init module major number = 254
instcnt=0, u64cnt=0, u64IssuedInstCnt=0
size of RPC_POLL_Dev 52 and RPC_INTR_Dev 52...
Hello, Realtek TLB Mapper
AllocBP size: 589824 order: 8
0: 0
1: 0
2: 0
3: 0
4: 0
5: 0
6: 0
7: 0
8: 0
9: 1
Addr: 81c00000, order: 9
10: 1
Addr: 81800000, order: 10
11: 1
Addr: 81000000, order: 11
12: 11
Addr: 8c000000, order: 12
Addr: 8b000000, order: 12
Addr: 8a000000, order: 12
Addr: 89000000, order: 12
Addr: 88000000, order: 12
Addr: 87000000, order: 12
Addr: 86000000, order: 12
Addr: 85000000, order: 12
Addr: 84000000, order: 12
Addr: 83000000, order: 12
Addr: 82000000, order: 12
devfs: 2004-01-31 Richard Gooch (rgooch@atnf.csiro.au)
devfs: boot_options: 0x0
NTFS driver 2.1.28 [Flags: R/O].
Serial: 8250/16550 driver $Revision: 1.90 $ 3 ports, IRQ sharing enabled
ttyS0 at MMIO 0x0 (irq = 3) is a 16550A
io scheduler noop registered
RAMDISK driver initialized: 1 RAM disks of 128K size 1024 blocksize
loop: loaded (max 8 devices)
libata version 1.12 loaded.
sata driver initial...2010/11/9 18:00
JUPITER(Ver.C/D): one port supported
ata_device_add(4888)probe begin
scsi0 : SATA_DRV
sata dma reset
jupiter mdio setting enable
sata1: reset phy again!
sata phy reset
sata1: reset phy again!
sata phy reset
sata1: phy reset timeout!
sata1: no device found (phy stat 00000000)
sata1: ata_bus_probe failed
VenusSFC MTD init...
NOR flash support list ..
(V) MD_WRITE support.
(X) MD_READ support.
(V) HWSEMA support.
(V) AUTO_HW_POLL support.
(X) 4Bytes mode support.
(X) Sfc_delay support.
serial flash inaccessible
physmap flash device: 10000000 at fd00000
Realtek NAND Flash Driver Rev:349905 (2011-02-10)
[rtk_nand_read_id] Read ID result as follow
[rtk_nand_read_id] Read ID result as follow
One HY27UF082G2B chip has 1 die(s) on board
nand part=HY27UF082G2B, id=adda1095, device_size=268435456, chip_size=268435456, num_chips=1, isLastPage=0
[rtk_nand_scan_bbt] have created bbt B0, just loads it !!
[dump_BBT] Nand BBT Content
[0] (0, 375, 0, 2047)
RTK: using the whole nand as a partitoin
Realtek Nand Flash Driver is successfully installing.
[usb_param] setting for jupiter
#######[cfyeh-debug] USBPHY_Register_Setting(893) jupiter D
[usb_param] set port two for host!
#@# cfyeh-debug USBPHY_SetReg_Default_33_port(238) port 1 dr 1
#@# cfyeh-debug USBPHY_SetReg_Default_33_port(238) port 2 dr 1
#@# cfyeh-debug USBPHY_SetReg_Default_39(417) tx_delay 2
[usb1_param] usbphy reg 32, set sh = 0x8, get sh = 0x8, 4bit
[usb1_param] usbphy reg 35, set src = 0x6, get src = 0x6, 3bit
[usb1_param] usbphy reg 36, set senh = 0x9, get senh = 0x9, 4bit
[usb1_param] usbphy reg 32, set sen = 0x9, get sen = 0x9, 4bit
[usb1_param] usbphy reg 33, set dr = 0x1, get dr = 0x1, 3bit
[usb1_param] usbphy reg 31, set sr = 0x7, get sr = 0x7, 3bit
[usb1_param] usbphy reg 30, set cp = 0x1, get cp = 0x1, 3bit
[usb1_param] usbphy reg 30, set sc = 0x3, get sc = 0x3, 4bit
[usb2_param] usbphy reg 32, set sh = 0xa, get sh = 0xa, 4bit
[usb2_param] usbphy reg 35, set src = 0x6, get src = 0x6, 3bit
[usb2_param] usbphy reg 36, set senh = 0x9, get senh = 0x9, 4bit
[usb2_param] usbphy reg 32, set sen = 0x9, get sen = 0x9, 4bit
[usb2_param] usbphy reg 33, set dr = 0x1, get dr = 0x1, 3bit
[usb2_param] usbphy reg 31, set sr = 0x7, get sr = 0x7, 3bit
[usb2_param] usbphy reg 30, set cp = 0x1, get cp = 0x1, 3bit
[usb2_param] usbphy reg 30, set sc = 0x3, get sc = 0x3, 4bit
ehci_hcd ehci_hcd: EHCI Host Controller
ehci_hcd ehci_hcd: new USB bus registered, assigned bus number 1
ehci_hcd ehci_hcd: irq 2, io mem 0xb8013000
ehci_hcd ehci_hcd: park 0
ehci_hcd ehci_hcd: USB 0.0 initialized, EHCI 1.00, driver 10 Dec 2004
hub 1-0:1.0: USB hub found
hub 1-0:1.0: 2 ports detected
hub : individual port power switching
hub : individual port over-current protection
[cfyeh] set PPE = 0
[usb_param] setting for jupiter
#######[cfyeh-debug] USBPHY_Register_Setting(893) jupiter D
[usb_param] set port two for host!
#@# cfyeh-debug USBPHY_SetReg_Default_33_port(238) port 1 dr 1
#@# cfyeh-debug USBPHY_SetReg_Default_33_port(238) port 2 dr 1
#@# cfyeh-debug USBPHY_SetReg_Default_39(417) tx_delay 2
[usb1_param] usbphy reg 32, set sh = 0x8, get sh = 0x8, 4bit
[usb1_param] usbphy reg 35, set src = 0x6, get src = 0x6, 3bit
[usb1_param] usbphy reg 36, set senh = 0x9, get senh = 0x9, 4bit
[usb1_param] usbphy reg 32, set sen = 0x9, get sen = 0x9, 4bit
[usb1_param] usbphy reg 33, set dr = 0x1, get dr = 0x1, 3bit
[usb1_param] usbphy reg 31, set sr = 0x7, get sr = 0x7, 3bit
[usb1_param] usbphy reg 30, set cp = 0x1, get cp = 0x1, 3bit
[usb1_param] usbphy reg 30, set sc = 0x3, get sc = 0x3, 4bit
[usb2_param] usbphy reg 32, set sh = 0xa, get sh = 0xa, 4bit
[usb2_param] usbphy reg 35, set src = 0x6, get src = 0x6, 3bit
[usb2_param] usbphy reg 36, set senh = 0x9, get senh = 0x9, 4bit
[usb2_param] usbphy reg 32, set sen = 0x9, get sen = 0x9, 4bit
[usb2_param] usbphy reg 33, set dr = 0x1, get dr = 0x1, 3bit
[usb2_param] usbphy reg 31, set sr = 0x7, get sr = 0x7, 3bit
[usb2_param] usbphy reg 30, set cp = 0x1, get cp = 0x1, 3bit
[usb2_param] usbphy reg 30, set sc = 0x3, get sc = 0x3, 4bit
ohci_hcd ohci_hcd: OHCI Host Controller
ohci_hcd ohci_hcd: new USB bus registered, assigned bus number 2
ohci_hcd ohci_hcd: irq 2, io mem 0xb8013400
hub 2-0:1.0: USB hub found
hub 2-0:1.0: 2 ports detected
hub : no power switching (usb 1.0)
hub : no over-current protection
Initializing USB Mass Storage driver...
usbcore: registered new driver usb-storage
USB Mass Storage support registered.
#######[cfyeh-debug] dwc_otg_driver_init(900) for otg device
Setting registers , Enable OTG
dwc_otg: version 2.60a 22-NOV-2006
DWC_otg: Shared Tx FIFO mode
i2c /dev entries driver
[I2C0] i2c speed changed to 100 KHz
I2C0 Bus Status Check.... OK
= VER : 2.1b
= PHY : 0
= SPD : 100
= SAR : 0x024 (7 bits)
[I2C1] i2c speed changed to 100 KHz
I2C1 Bus Status Check.... OK
= VER : 2.1b
= PHY : 1
= SPD : 100
= SAR : 0x024 (7 bits)
SCPU_CLK90K=0.000 sec.
Freeing prom memory: 0kb freed
Reclaim bootloader memory from 80020000 to 80100000
Freeing unused kernel memory: 444k freed

init started: BusyBox v1.1.3 (2011.08.29-19:35+0000) multi-call binary

Starting pid 314, console /dev/console: '/etc/init.d/rcS'
120+0 records in
120+0 records out
Welcome to Realtek Rescue Linux for PhotoViewer
mount: Mounting /dev/cdroms/cdrom0 on /mnt/usbmounts/cdrom failed: No such device
mount: Mounting /dev/hda1 on /mnt/usbmounts/hda1 failed: No such file or directory
mount: Mounting /dev/hda1 on /mnt/usbmounts/hda1 failed: No such file or directory
mount: Mounting /dev/hda1 on /mnt/usbmounts/hda1 failed: No such file or directory

>>>>>> loader start! (Aug 29 2011:15:36:00, version=00.01.01)

Please press Enter to activate this console. Hotplug: device "ram0" is skipped.
Hotplug: device "loop0" is skipped.
Hotplug: device "loop1" is skipped.
Hotplug: device "loop2" is skipped.
Hotplug: device "loop3" is skipped.
Hotplug: device "loop4" is skipped.
Hotplug: device "loop5" is skipped.
Hotplug: device "loop6" is skipped.
Hotplug: device "loop7" is skipped.
Hotplug: device "mtdblock0" is skipped.

Sunday, 18 August,2013 22.53

Djice spune:
am reusit sa ma conectez cu ttl insa nu pot da ifconfig

Sunday, 18 August,2013 22.53

Djice spune:
In continuare m-am jucat cu firmware-e pana am reusit sa-mi blochez playerul, imi porneste pana la initial setup dupa aia pauza nu mai pot face nimic, nu recunoaste telecomanda, iar bootloaderul nu-mi reactioneaza ramane inghetat cand tina apasat butonul de pornire la firmware upgrade. Acuma are firmware-ul micca-ep250-g2-2012-02-22, am posibilitatea dea a programa chipul, va rog sa ma ajutati sa recuperez mediaplayerul. email kinceskirss@yahoo.com
Friday, 16 August,2013 01.35

Djice spune:
giancarlo am incercat firmwareul de la mede8er nu a functionat, am mai cautat pe net cu chipset si memorie la fel, am gasit firmware-ul egreat r1-ii care ar fi compatibil cu eboda 450, insa dupa instalare nu mi-a funcitonat telecomanda, probabil are alt cod, am trimis mail la support e-boda si mi-au raspuns ca nu au firmware pentru acest aparat. Daca cineva are firmware-ul original va rog sa-l postati.
Thursday, 15 August,2013 21.46

Sorin spune:
Revin... merg subtitrarile si pe NFS. Le-am dat niste denumiri mai scurte, la film la fel si totul este ok. Cred ca este cea mai buna metoda de a vedea filme in retea.
Monday, 14 January,2013 16.04

Sorin spune:
Kitul de NFS nu mi-a mers pe win7 x64, a trebuit sa descarc ultima versiune de pe situl lor si merge foarte bine dar nu pot sa vad subtitrarile. Cum trebuie sa arate subtitrarile ca sa mearga?
Sunday, 13 January,2013 18.10

vb6rocod spune:
La Noobroom au reaparut serverele pe Amsterdam (ambele), poate mai puneti si voi subtitrari din cand in cand, dar aveti grija sa fie verificate, ca mai mult te enervezi cand vezi ca subtitrarea o ia la vale.
Saturday, 12 January,2013 18.22

Numele tau spune:
Multumesc pentru sfat. Chiar a functionat fara stick. Problema reapare la update version. Trebuie sa reinstalez HDD Links de fiecare data in memori interna si apoi sa fac update si pe stick. Alta problema ar fi ca nu reusesc sa accesez in retea folderele share din alt calculator din retea. Trebuie cumva facut port forwarding din router ? Am si un E-boda HD 500 cu care pot accesa fara probleme toate fisierele sheruite din reteau proprie. Cu modelul HD 450 nu am reusit inca accesare fisiere prin retea. Ceva recomandari ?
Tuesday, 8 January,2013 09.38

Numele tau spune:
Salut, merg si filmele din retea?
Monday, 7 January,2013 17.25

giancarlo spune:
pe cand o noua versiune?
a incercat cineva si alte fw 1185 ?
Monday, 7 January,2013 09.45

Cristi spune:
Instaleaza-l pe memoria interna. Cand dai instal la links, sa nu ai stick-ul bagat. bafta.
Sunday, 6 January,2013 15.51

Stefan Milea spune:
Nu reusesc sa deschid HDD Links desi sunt conectat pe Internet prin cablu. La instalare HDD links nu-mi arata nimic la "versiune" dupa ce s-a facut instalarea. Cand incerc sa accesez HDD Links apare Eroare 404. Youtube si alte browsere de Internet functioneaza. Am formatat ci FAT 32 si NTFS stickul unde se face update ptr HDD Links dar tot nu trec de eroarea 404. Ceva sfaturi va rog. O versiune mai noua de firmware ptr HD 450 exista ? Multumiri anticipate.
Thursday, 3 January,2013 12.53

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